If you want to do just one thing for your health, your yoga practice, or any physical movement, then start with this: Be aware of your navel at all times and keep it gently tucked in. Yes, it’s that simple and yet profoundly transformative.
You might be wondering, “Why the navel?” Let’s dive into the ancient wisdom and modern science that underscores the importance of this often-overlooked part of our body.

The Navel: The Origin of Life and Energy
In Ayurveda, the navel is where life begins. It is the center of our being, the point from which we were nourished in the womb. This isn’t just poetic; it’s a fact rooted in the ancient understanding of our body’s energy systems.
In Hatha Yoga, the navel is where the Manipura (Solar Plexus) chakra resides. This chakra, represented by the color yellow, is the seat of Agni, the fire element. It is the energy center that governs our confidence, intellect, sense of purpose, and the absorption of nutrients. When this chakra is balanced, you feel energetic, confident, and purposeful. When it’s imbalanced, the opposite happens—you may experience low self-esteem, fatigue, fear, obesity, depression, or even diabetes.
One of the most common signs of an imbalance in the navel region is brain fog. You know that feeling when you just can’t seem to think clearly? That could be your body telling you that your Manipura chakra needs attention. Hatha yoga texts even suggest that by practicing samyama (focused attention) on the navel, a yogi can acquire knowledge of the structure of the body. This is because more than 75,000 nadis (energy channels) emerge from the navel, governing various bodily functions.
Modern Science Meets Ancient Wisdom
Even modern science now acknowledges the significance of the gut, which corresponds to the Manipura chakra. Often referred to as the “second brain,” the gut has its own nervous system—the enteric nervous system. This complex system controls our digestion and is intricately linked to our mood and overall well-being. Ever wonder why you get butterflies in your stomach when you’re nervous? That’s your gut-brain connection at work.
Interestingly, the bacteria in your belly button are unique to you—much like your fingerprint. Scientists have discovered that there are around 2,400 different types of bacteria living in your navel, and these bacteria play a crucial role in your health. Variations in these bacteria can affect your mood and well-being, a topic we’ll delve into in another blog.
You may have also heard of terms like Dharam or Pechuti from your grandma or Ayurvedic practitioners. These refer to the subtle movements you can feel when you press your fingertips into your navel while holding your breath. If the navel shifts from its original location—due to sudden movements or even constipation—it can cause several health issues.
Now that we understand the importance of the navel, let’s talk about how to incorporate navel awareness into your daily life and yoga practice.
#1 - Standing & Walking: Your posture's best friend
When you stand or walk, always be aware of your navel and keep it gently tucked in. This simple action helps you maintain the correct posture and can prevent back pain. Think of it as your body’s natural corset, supporting your spine and keeping you aligned.
#2 - Eating: Ignite your Digestive Fire
Your navel is also crucial when it comes to eating. By keeping your navel gently engaged, you activate your digestive fire, or Jathar Agni, which helps manage your appetite. This awareness will signal to your body when you’re truly hungry and when you’re full, helping you avoid overeating.
In today’s world, many of us eat without even feeling hungry, leading to overeating and digestive issues. Remember, you aren’t what you eat; you are what you digest and absorb. Even an apple can become toxic in your body if it’s not properly digested. By being aware of your navel, you ensure that your digestive fire is stoked and ready to work.
#3 - Asana Pratice: The core of Strength & Balance
In yoga, or any physical movement, practicing with navel awareness brings out the key benefits of each asana. When your navel is engaged, you’ll find your balance and grace of movement improving drastically. It’s the center of your core strength, protecting you from spinal injuries and enhancing your overall energy levels during practice. By keeping your fire element activated, you’ll find your practice more effortless and rewarding.
#4 - Pranayamas: Safe & Effective Breathing
Pranayamas, or breathing exercises, can be incredibly beneficial when done correctly. However, they can also be harmful if not practised under proper guidance. It’s crucial to keep your spine straight and your navel engaged during pranayamas—unless the specific practice (like Bhastrika or abdominal breathing) requires a relaxed navel. This awareness ensures that the energy flows correctly through your body, enhancing the benefits of your practice.
#5 - Meditation: Deepen you Focus
At the most basic level, being aware of your navel during meditation helps you maintain your posture, allowing you to sit comfortably for longer periods. This physical stability frees your mind to focus more deeply on your meditation object. On a deeper level, meditating on the navel brings complete awareness of the body and its functions, improves digestion, and boosts your mood and intellect.
Health begins with being aware of and keeping your navel tucked in.
The navel is not just a physical center; it’s a powerful energy hub that influences every aspect of your health and well-being. By simply being aware of your navel and keeping it gently tucked in, you can unlock a world of benefits—from better digestion to improved posture, greater energy, and enhanced mental clarity.
If you’re curious to learn more or want to incorporate these practices into your daily life, reach out to me, leave a comment or your questions below. You can also Sign Up for my programs, where we delve deeper into these concepts and much more. Remember, small changes can lead to big transformations. Start with your navel, and watch the magic unfold.